Saturday, 4 June 2022

Alternative Chess Test (ACT) - is series of chess tests that mostly contains tricky endgame puzzles and difficult mates.

Tough Tactical Test (TTT) - is series of chess tests that contains various types of hard positions.

All ACT and TTT tests are different, there is no position that is repeated in these test suites. Creating the tests I pay special attention to keep them in a shape that proper solution given by engines by luck and random factor is reduced to minimum. That makes the results highly reliable, however the results do not correlate with ELO ratings.

Conditions for all results:
Time limit: 15 seconds per position
CPU: i5-3570 (MP engines: 4x3600 MHz, SP engines: 1x3800MHz)
Tablebases: 6-pieces Syzygy, 5-pieces Gaviota, 5-pieces (and ~80 GB of most popular 6-pieces) Nalimov, all on SSD
Strongest version of engine is used: 64 bit, POPCNT, SSE4.2 etc.
256 MB hash, no books, no learning, 50 move rule is enabled

Dynamic Openings Test Suite (DOTS) - is a set of selected positions for running engine matches. The purpose of this set is not to measure Elo differences but to provide dynamic and interesting games.